Working Capital Solutions (CC/OD)

We are Services Provider, Consultancy Services of Working Capital Loan Cash Credit (CC), Working Capital Loan Overdraft (OD) and our set up is situated in Vadodara India.
The Main Purpose of this loan is to finance the short-term operational needs of a company. when a firm doesnt have enough money on the hand for dealing with their daily expenses, they generally go for the working capital loans. ECPL helps business to transact smoothly.
These are high volume working capital loans and are backed by property collateral as well as stock of raw material and finished goods. It is given by banks in form of cash credit (CC Limit), overdraft (OD Limit) , term loans, line of credit etc. Short term Working capital demand loan (Wcdl) is also the form of this loan availed by business. Time required for sanction of such secured working capital loans are 15-25 working days.
An unsecured working capital loan is a loan offered by banks and financial institutions based on the credit worthiness & repayment capacity of a borrower. No property collateral is taken as security for this loan . It is offered mostly in form of term loan with fixed EMI repayment per month. There are two basic criteria looked in to by a lender, while assessing unsecured WC loan proposals
- Repaying capacity of a borrower
- Intention of a borrower to repay.
Apart from these 2 main criteria, other criteria required for availing unsecured business loans are Business Stability of minimum 2 yrs, & Age of borrower or main promoter of business requires to be less than 70 at the end of loan tenure.
Machinery Term Loan
- 201, 2nd Floor, Square Plaza, Vishwas Colony, Beside Bombay Sandwich, R.C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara-390007
- +91 8000206660